CFT: Komputronik & Next Technology Professionals

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for a Programmer

Christmas is fast approaching, and gifts are an integral part of the Christmas tradition. Lacking an idea and buying gifts at the last minute, is often a stressful challenge. According to a survey conducted by Deloitte in 2021, 47% of Poles do their Christmas shopping online. This saves time and gives access to a huge number of items that may be limited in stationery stores.

Socks, a set of cosmetics, or a Christmas sweater are already classics when it comes to a gift list. They may not be to everyone’s taste, so if you don’t yet have any idea what to buy a person who rarely steps away from the computer screen and whose favorite languages are Java or Python – nothing lost!

As part of the Christmas 15th episode of our Call for Tech series, we’ve teamed up with Komputronik to put together a list of the top 10 gifts that every programmer and tech geek is sure to appreciate.

Christmas gift ideas for a programmer

Prices included in the article as of 30/11/2022.

1. Logitech MX Vertical mouse

The computer mouse was invented in 1963 by Douglas Engelbart. When it began to enter the Polish market, the name was proposed: “stooloculotary” manipulator, but this one, fortunately, did not catch on 🙂

Nowadays, a sturdy computer mouse is a must. It is a piece of equipment that programmers constantly operate while working every day, but also afterward. Unfortunately, using classic mice for hours on end can take a significant toll on your health. 

Did you know that carpal tunnel syndrome is considered an occupational disease of programmers?

Recently, so-called ergonomic mice, also called vertical mice, are becoming very popular. They do not strain the wrist and significantly increase the comfort of work. Therefore, our first gift idea for a programmer is the Logitech MX Vertical mouse.

Price: 429,00 zł

2. Logitech MX Keys Keyboard

The keyboard is, along with the mouse, the most important computer-pointing device. According to some data, the average user travels as much as 20km a day with his fingers on the keyboard! 
A suitable keyboard is especially important for programmers, who write countless lines of code every day. Our second gift suggestion is the Logitech MX Keys wireless keyboard, which, with its backlit keys and seamless switching between multiple devices, will significantly improve the user experience.

Price: 449,00 zł

3. E-books reader Kindle Paperwhite 5 or PocketBook Basic Lux 3

According to the latest survey, conducted by the National Library for the period from April 2021 to March 2022, we learn that 38% of Poles have read at least one book. Nevertheless, many programmers are constantly furthering their education by reading a large number of industry books. With the Kindle Paperwhite 5 e-book reader, or the slightly cheaper PocketBook Basic Lux 3, you can always have all your books and guides at hand. Whether you are at home or on the recently popular workation.

Kindle Paperwhite 5 price: 849,00 zł

PocketBook Touch Lux 5 price: 499,00 zł

4. Samsung Portable SSD T7 drive

Digital transformation is causing exponential growth in data. This is evidenced, for example, by Google’s ongoing work to increase its server farms. The largest such facility is located in Mayes County, Oklahoma. Its area is equal to 91,000m2, or about 13 football fields. The entire Big Data industry is growing at a rapid pace. As technology advances, everyone is producing more and more data that needs to be stored somewhere. SSD drives are becoming more and more affordable compared to worn-out and fragile platters (HDD). An SSD can be used on a daily basis as data storage, kept as a backup, or configured to speed up your computer greatly. 

„People are divided into those who make backups and those who begin to do so.” 🙂
That’s why another idea for securing a programmer’s data is the miniature, high-speed, and shockproof Samsung Portable SSD T7, which with its built-in fingerprint reader easily secures data from getting into the wrong hands.

Price: 699,00 zł

5. U2F Key – Security Key NFC by Yubico

Cybercriminals are coming up with more and more insidious methods to steal our access data every day. Therefore, it is very important to be cautious and take care of your own online security. 

The only security solution that can 100% protect you online from being taken over by accounts such as Gmail, Twitter, Amazon AWS, GitHub, DropBox, Microsoft, and many others is the U2F security key. has been encouraging the use of this solution for several years, so you’ll find all the details about U2F keys in this article.

Many developers have their projects and important documents in the cloud and on platforms such as GitHub, which can be secured with a U2F key. Therefore, it is a unique and practical gift idea.

Price: 159,90 zł

6. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) – Eaton 5E 650i

This device is especially useful for those who work on devices that are constantly plugged into the electrical grid, such as desktop computers or NAS servers. A UPS, also known as an uninterruptible power supply, is used to maintain power to connected electrical devices in the event of an abnormality or sudden mains power outage. In the event of such a failure, the programmer has time to save his work and safely shut down the workstation or other connected devices.
Suddenly losing unsaved work will not be a pleasant experience, and may also have consequences by not completing the deployment. That’s why we recommend the Eaton 5E 650i uninterruptible power supply for a gift.

Price : 319 zł

7. Inductive charger Green Cell AirJuice Wireless Charger 15W

Each of us owns an increasing number of small devices – such as smartphones, smartwatches, fit bands, tablets, and wireless headphones, which require quite frequent charging. As a rule, for each gadget, we have to have a separate charger and a cable connected to the built-in socket, which is quite cumbersome. The cables get lost, and the charging sockets refuse to serve us over time, through frequent plugging and unplugging.
The solution to this problem and another gift idea is the Green Cell AirJuice Wireless Charger 15W Induction Charger. Thanks to it, we don’t have to remember to charge the phone. It is enough for the programmer to put it on the charger placed on the desk, for example, while writing code.

Price: 69,90 zł

8. Multimedia backpack Genesis Pallad 550

In the age of remote work, workation is becoming an increasingly popular choice for combining the passion of travel with work. Learn more about the advantages and challenges of combining work duties with active leisure in Episode 4 of our Call for Tech series
Before traveling, it can be a challenge for a programmer to pack all the gadgets and accessories necessary for work on the trip. The solution may turn out to be the Genesis Palladium 550 backpack, which, in addition to a laptop compartment and resistance to changing weather conditions, has specially dedicated pockets for devices such as a tablet, mouse, power bank, headphones, phone, cables, and other peripherals. Since most programmers love gadgets of all kinds, a gift of such a backpack may prove to be a hit in 10.

Price: 203,00 zł

9. Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3C

Dane WHO pokazują, że prawie cała światowa populacja (99%) oddycha powietrzem, które zawiera wysoki poziom zanieczyszczeń. Przed smogiem nie da się uciec, szczególnie jeśli mieszkamy w dużym mieście. Pracując zdalnie czy stacjonarnie, jesteśmy nieustannie narażeni na szkodliwe działanie smogu. 
Zaopatrując się w odpowiedni oczyszczacz powietrza, możemy stworzyć w miejscu pracy bezpieczną enklawę wolną od szkodliwych substancji i zadbać o własne zdrowie. Dzięki takiemu urządzeniu poprawi się samopoczucie, jakość snu, a co za tym idzie – wydajność i produktywność. Dlatego też oczyszczacz powietrza Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3C jest nietypowym i oryginalnym pomysłem na prezent dla programisty.

Price: 499,00 zł

10. Speaker JBL Flip 6

The survey conducted by CBOS shows that 65% of adults listen to music

daily, 21% several times a week, and less frequently or not at all – only 14%. 

Music accompanies us practically every day – at work, at home, on vacation, or at parties. Spotify Wrapped, eagerly awaited by many, reminds us of the upcoming holidays and a musical summary of the current year. 
Good sound quality is essential to sink into the musical abyss, and such is guaranteed by the JBL Flip 6 portable speaker, which will certainly prove to be a good gift idea for a programmer. The speaker will come in handy whether at work while writing code, traveling, relaxing on vacation, or listening to vacation classics like “Last Christmas”😉

Price: 549,00 zł

We hope that we have helped you in choosing an apt gift for a programmer. We also encourage you to check other offers available at

If you need equipment for your work then we encourage you to visit the site with a business offer for companies and contact us directly through the form. An advisor will help you choose the best solution with services and offer a discount.

If you’re looking for a job in the IT industry or recruiting programmers and want to learn useful tidbits, tips and contributions from experts, check out our other episodes in the Call for Tech series and join the Facebook group to stay up to date with the IT world!