Pay Rises in IT. What are the Expectations of Candidates when Changing Jobs?

Many programmers dream of dynamic career growth, but such growth does not mean the same thing to everyone. Staying at one point in a career for many years can be tedious, and eventually, there comes the point when we are ready for a change. Some people want to be very good specialists in a particular technology, while others want more and more responsibility and the ability to make crucial decisions. This often involves a raise and a promotion at the same time. How are raises shaping up in the IT industry? What conditions do candidates expect, when changing jobs? How to apply for a raise at work? You can find out by reading this article.

If you’re wondering what benefits look like in the IT industry and the latest trends related to them, read our article about this topic.

Pay Rises in IT

According to Mariusz Lizon, a member of the management board of Asseco Business Solutions, the results of many IT companies are seeing a decline in margins. This is the result of a significant increase in costs, particularly personnel costs. High inflation is driving up employee expectations, causing many companies to scramble for them. The latest No Fluff Jobs data confirms that median lower and upper salary ranges have increased across the IT industry in general, for both UoP and B2B. Importantly, the data includes developers at all experience levels, as well as other areas of the IT industry, such as Project Management, Testing, UX/UI, and Product Management.

According to the No Fluff Jobs salary calculator, specialists hired on the basis of UoP in non-programming areas – Testing, UX, and Product Management could count on the highest jumps in proposed salaries. In the case of positions in the UX area, salaries ranging from 9K to 12.5K gross were offered in the first half of 2021, while in the first half of 2022 one could already receive from 10.9K to 15.8K gross for work in the same category. Which gives an increase of 21% in the lower fork and 27% in the upper.

According to our report, “Prepare for the IT Recruitment Process in 2022” the growth rate of the salary received among programmers, is as follows:

Satisfaction with the salary received and job change

According to our report, almost 65% of respondents indicated that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their current salary. Interestingly, 79% of experts expressed their satisfaction with the salary they receive, while only 52% of Juniors hold the same opinion.

Despite overall satisfaction with the salaries they receive, 71% of IT professionals are open to changing jobs in the near future, and almost 50% of them are ready to do so if they receive an interesting offer.

IT job market in Poland

For the main reasons for wanting to change jobs, respondents most often cited inadequate pay (20%), lack of development opportunities (16%), unsatisfactory projects (12%) or simply wanting to change and take on new tasks (10%).

The expected value of a raise when changing jobs

One of the most popular reasons for changing jobs is an inadequate salary in relation to the duties performed or experience. According to the report “Prepare for the IT Recruitment process in 2022” Experts have the highest expectations (28%) for an increase in their current salary, and Juniors working on a B2B basis have the lowest expectations (9%).

However, higher wages are not always the most important. Based on qualitative research and the Know How OLX 2019 report, the top 3 most important needs and expectations of candidates when changing jobs were highlighted:

  • More normalcy relating to the employer-employee relationship.

The respondents note that employers strongly overestimate their benefits, which include fruit Thursdays, sports benefits, medical packages, and coffee from the coffee machine, while employees primarily expect normal working conditions and a friendly, positive atmosphere. And this cannot be replaced by even the most original benefits😉

  • Faith in the company

Employees want to be recognized for their commitment and the ideas they contribute. They want to feel that the work they do is meaningful and that they are an important part of the company, and to have a sense of development. They also expect togetherness in acting for the good of the organization, which refers to mutual understanding and the ability to make compromises between supervisor and employee.

  • Fair working conditions

Employees clearly signal that since they themselves contribute their time, and commitment, and use their competencies, they expect the employer to offer fair and adequate working conditions in return. Another clearly outlined area is a sense of security and stability, associated on the one hand with a benevolent approach on the part of the employer, and on the other with strong leadership and suitable communication so that the employee knows where he or she stands. Candidates expect serious offers from companies that do not try to cover up reality by force.


Rising inflation and the introduction of the Polish Order are intensifying salary expectations among IT professionals and managers. It should also be added that, according to estimates by the IT Services Employers’ Organization, there is a shortage of up to 250-300 thousand programmers in Poland, which also has an impact on salaries and raises received.

If you are looking for suitable IT professionals for your team or project – contact us. We will help you hire the best employees.