Recruitment in times of crisis. 6 tips for employers.

Recruitment in Times of Crisis – 6 Tips for Employers

The coronavirus pandemic has reshaped the labor market, and many companies have faced major challenges. The changes included, in particular, the proliferation of remote work, more frequent use of high-tech solutions, as well as an increase in candidate expectations, and a breakthrough in recruitment processes.

Although some companies have given up on new hires, some industries, such as IT, e-commerce, or distribution, have not only survived the crisis but in many cases, have further strengthened their position in the market and are still looking for employees. If you want to learn about the impact of the recession on the labor market and what lies ahead in the near future, read our article about it.

The situation related to the consequences of Covid-19 has shown that change is a part of the operation of any company that sometimes comes unexpectedly. If we want to adapt to them quickly, we must be prepared for them.

How to recruit in times of crisis?

How to recruit?

1. Make changes permanent

As the demands of candidates increase, companies must increasingly understand their needs in order to best “sell” a job offer. After the pandemic and the lockdown that followed, remote work has now become the norm. Candidates are paying more attention to the employer’s flexibility, job stability, and additional benefits they can take advantage of outside working hours. They are much less convinced by a nicely decorated office and social facilities. Candidates’ assurance of the company’s stability is also very important. We described the most useful practices in our article.

Think through whether the benefits your company offers are still of interest to your target group. You may find that you’re losing new employees to competitors who are able to take better care of them by offering, for example, attractive healthcare packages, wellness packages, or a sick leave plan for those caring for a sick family member.

2. Improve online processes

Nowadays, employers are realizing that remote recruitment is a very effective form of verifying the qualifications of potential employees. Video interviews save time and money for both the employer and the candidate, and allow for a fast and effective recruitment process regardless of the geographical distance that separates the two parties.

When a company offers the option to work remotely, the recruiter gets access to a much wider pool of candidates. This also makes it easier to carry out the other processes necessary when hiring new people. For example, you can conduct remote onboarding, and send the equipment needed to work from home to the new hire by courier. But first, plan each of these processes well and make sure they run smoothly in the new virtual reality.

3. A good job advertisement is a key

Quote about It job

When starting your search for candidates, begin with drafting a good job ad. At first, briefly describe your company. List all requirements, technology stack, responsibilities, and non-wage benefits. Don’t forget to mention the mode of work (remote, stationary, or hybrid) and the proposed salary range. This is especially important because nowadays the lack of such information will be perceived as disrespectful and will most likely cause candidates to ignore your offer. 

In the job offer, describe exactly what the recruitment process will look like – how many stages it consists of, what they include and how long the whole process will take. Check carefully if there are any errors and typos in the offer. Share the announcement prepared this way on popular job boards and other channels you use.

4. Consider hiring qualified people

Until recently, companies were eager to hire interns and junior specialists, offering them an extensive “start-up” training package. Previously gained experience was not a priority for them, as they believed that everything would be learned by the employee once they started in their new position.

However, in the era of remote work, both the development of employees and the control of the results of their work are becoming difficult. A new profile of candidate competencies is gaining importance, and they are expected above all to be independent, committed to work, disciplined, and responsible for their tasks.

Pay attention to these skills when hiring a new person to work remotely. By doing so, you will minimize the risk of failure and ensure the effectiveness of the new hire from the very beginning of his or her work in the company.

Quote about junior

You should also keep in mind that hiring juniors is still a good solution that will certainly pay off in the future. It requires spending more time and finances until such an employee becomes completely independent, but this will give you a very good and qualified specialist. A junior who has been looking for a long time to gain experience will certainly be attached to the company that first saw his potential and gave him the opportunity to develop. Such employees are more loyal to their employers and are reluctant to seek positions with other employers. In addition, they are most simply proud of the professional development opportunity they have received, are eager to represent the company externally, and enthusiastically tell their friends about their new job. They are a walking showcase of their employer.

When hiring new people, don’t forget about your existing employees. A good idea to keep them in the company is a promotion. It is sure to make your employees feel appreciated, making them more productive and committed to their new duties and challenges.

5. Invest in recruitment automation tools

With technology booming, investing in new solutions is becoming a necessity. Companies that have been too slow to develop so far and have not implemented automation in their recruitment systems may lose many candidates to more technologically advanced competitors.

Think about implementing software in your organization to help automate recruitment, such as through special algorithms and chatbots. Start using ATS (Applicant Tracking System). They help to significantly streamline recruitment processes. As a result, you will be able to find new people easier and faster. Automating your processes will also help you match candidates to recruitment needs and streamline your selection activities.

6. Take care of candidates’ experience

Candidates expect more and more. So you can’t forget about the candidate experience in your planned activities. Always verify that the steps you take support building a positive candidate experience. When creating a recruitment strategy, focus on their needs and verify that the solutions you apply are noticed and appreciated by them.


Recovery is not a static process; it will not happen overnight. Recovering from the coronavirus pandemic, given the human dimension of staffing issues and the uncertainty faced by companies, requires implementing staffing strategies that take into account both short-term and long-term actions. If you are committed to hiring talented IT Specialists and nurturing their development, contact us. We will be happy to help you conduct a smooth recruitment process.