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B2B anc CoE(UoP) in Poland calculators

B2B and employment contract in Poland – list of the most useful calculators

Have you ever wondered how B2B and CoE salaries are calculated in Poland? To help you as an IT recruitment agency, we have prepared a short article with a list of the best calculators to help you understand the costs. Polish Order 2.0, introduced two years ago, has made several significant changes. You can find out more about them in the separate article:  Hiring Polish Software Developers: Everything You Need to Know About the Types of Cooperation Agreements in Poland. Reading it can greatly help you understand details about B2B contract and CoE in Poland.

Next Technology Professionals - IT recruitment, recruitment finance engineering marketing, IT outsourcing, executive search

IT recruitment in Poland

B2B and CoE calculators have become essential tools for businesses and employees in Poland. With the rise in IT recruitment and the prevalence of B2B contracts, accurate calculations of net income and tax contributions are more important than ever before.

Poland is a great location for businesses that need to hire software developers or other IT specialists.The country has a large pool of highly skilled programmers, and is a cost-effective location for businesses that need to hire software developers. As an IT recruitment agency in Poland, we prepared a report on IT job market. You can find out there more information that can be useful.

You might also check out our articles about recruitment in Polish cities such as Krakow, Warsaw and Wrocław!

Average salary offered and received depending on IT specialists seniority level

One of the things we analyzed was the average salary offered and received of Software Developers depending on the seniority level. You can see there differences in the salary depending on the type of contract. People who work as Experts on B2B can count on higher earnings than those presented in the job offers.

Why is this happening? Everything is related to the differences in the salary related to the type of contract. A B2B contract is usually more beneficial for both the employer and the programmer in the case of higher earnings. In contrast, junior or mid-level IT specialists often prefer CoE. It all depends on the specific case.

Software Developer salary on a B2B contract in Poland

List of calculators B2B

1. Kalkulatorb2b

Kalkulatorb2b calculator

This website provides a range of useful features for businesses, including VAT calculators, income tax calculators, and social security contribution calculators. The site is available in Polish but you can translate it to English.

In the case of B2B, the choice of forms of taxation is very important (flat tax or lump sum dominate among programmers). It all depends on what the Software Developer chooses when setting up a business.

2. Kalkb2b

Kalkb2b calculator is a Polish website that also provides a calculator for businesses. It can also help with calculating important financial information, such as VAT, income tax, and social security contributions.

How to calculate gross and net salary on an employment contract?

To calculate gross and net salary on an employment contract, you need to understand the different components of the salary.

Gross salary: This is the total amount of salary paid to an employee before any deductions are made.

Net salary: This is the amount of salary that an employee takes after all deductions and taxes have been applied.

List of calculators CoE (Contract of Employment)

1. calculator

2. salary calculator is a Polish website that provides information and resources related to salaries and compensation in Poland. The website provides access to a salary database that allows users to search for information on salaries for specific job titles and industries in Poland. users can search for salaries by job title, location, and industry.

B2B and Contract of Employment in Poland

When it comes to B2B contracts, the calculator is a crucial tool for both the employer and the employee. It allows the employer to calculate the cost of hiring an employee on a B2B contract, taking into account factors such as taxes, insurance, and other costs. On the other hand, the employee can use the calculator to determine their net income and ensure that they are being paid fairly for their work.

Recruitment of IT specialists in Poland

Many companies in Poland decide to recruit IT specialists through IT recruitment and IT outsourcing agencies. This is an ideal solution in a situation where we need to find the right employee for a given position, where professional recruiters are looking for the best candidates among IT specialists active on the labor market. Cooperation with IT recruitment agencies saves time and resources for employers who want to effectively and quickly recruit the best talents for their companies.

IT recruitment agency in Poland

IT recruitment agency in Poland

Next Technology Professionals is a recruitment agency. We support our clients in recruiting specialists in the areas of: IT, Engineering and Finance. Can we help you? Send us a message on