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The most popular programming languages in 2024

As an IT recruitment and IT outsourcing company based in Poland, we try to keep up to date with trends in the IT industry and its entire market. On our blog, in addition to entries regarding IT recruitment, we also post information and data about individual technologies. The recruiter’s knowledge of programming languages is crucial for best matching appropriate candidates to the assigned positions. That’s why we have prepared a list of TOP 10 programming languages for 2024! In the article you will find information about technologies:

  1. Python
  2. C/C++
  3. Java
  4. C#
  5. Swift
  6. JavaScript
  7. Go
  8. Kotlin
  9. SQL
  10. VisualBasic

Are you curious what programming languages were the most popular in recent years? We encourage you to read our lists of the most popular programming languages in 2022 and 2023.

We encourage you to read our articles on the recruitment of IT specialists in Polish cities: Warsaw, Wrocław and Krakow!

The most popular programming languages in 2024

Thanks to programming languages, we can use online services and applications that are now an integral part of our lives. Despite the rapid development of artificial intelligence, knowledge of programming languages by IT specialists remains extremely important and irreplaceable. The constant demand for these specialists in the IT labor market confirms that programming skills significantly increase professional competitiveness. If you want to stay up to date and find out which programming languages dominate in 2024, please read the list below!

The most popular programming languages in 2024

Get to know the TOP 10 programming languages

Are you interested in what languages are gaining popularity according to the TIOBE ranking in 2024 and whether your favorite language maintains its position? In times of rapidly developing AI, you need to keep your finger on the pulse and constantly update your knowledge of programming languages. Do you want to stay up to date on this topic? Check out our list! Based on May data from the TIOBE Index, we have prepared a list of the TOP 10 most popular programming languages in 2024.

TIOBE ranking - TIOBE Community Index 2024 Python C C++ Java C# JavaScript Visual Basic Go SQL Fortran

1. Python


For the third year in a row, Python tops our list. Created by Guido van Rossum over 30 years ago, the language is still the key technology used to create global app giants such as YouTube, Instagram, Spotify and Pinterest. Thanks to their versatility and effectiveness, programmers who know Python are highly sought after by clients as well as recruiters from the IT industry. In May 2024, Python took the honorable first place in the TIOBE Index ranking, significantly superior to other programming languages.

TIOBE Index for Python

According to the data collected in our latest report, the salary of IT specialists operating on Python technology, depending on the level of experience, ranged from 7,037 PLN  to 31,332 PLN.

2024 report Next Technology Professionals - Python and the average salary offered

Do you want to know more data about salaries in the IT industry? Download our latest report or check out our article on the earnings of IT specialists.

2. C/C++


C is one of the oldest programming languages and forms the basis for languages such as JavaScript and C#. C++, on the other hand, can be considered an extended version of the C language, and both languages are characterized by extremely high performance. Therefore, they are widely used to create various applications, such as Adobe Photoshop or the Unity engine. They are also considered universal because they can be compiled for many operating systems, e.g. Unix and Linux. These languages are recognized among programmers primarily for their efficiency and speed.

According to the data collected in our latest report, the salary of IT specialists operating on C++ technology, depending on the level of experience, ranged from  6,407 PLN to 31,662 PLN.

2024 report Next Technology Professionals - C++ and the average salary offered

Do you want to know more data about salaries in the IT industry? Download our latest report or check out our article on the earnings of IT specialists.

3. Java


Java, despite its former glory, has been declining in popularity year by year. According to the TIOBE Index, Java in May 2024 recorded its lowest position since 2001, placing fourth in the ranking.

TIOBE Index for Java

Despite this, Java still remains one of the most stable programming languages, supported by many large corporations, which significantly affects its non-decreasing demand. It is used by companies such as NASA, Netflix, LinkedIn, Uber and Amazon, and many others. As of 2023, Java was ranked seventh according to Stack Overflow’s technology popularity ranking.

According to the data collected in our latest report on the recruitment of programmers, the salary of IT specialists operating on Java technology, depending on the level of experience, ranged from 6,494 PLN to 32,830 PLN.

2024 report Next Technology Professionals - Java and the average salary offered

Do you want to know more data about salaries in the IT industry? Download our latest report or check out our article on the earnings of IT specialists.

4. C#


This language was created by Microsoft as an answer to Java. C# was designed for creating and developing applications for Windows systems, such as desktop applications, server applications, and games. C# is a high-level, general-purpose object-oriented programming language and is integrated with .NET, both the framework and the management environment. C# is used by global companies such as Microsoft, Dell and Samsung. According to the TIOBE Index, C# remains stable in fifth position.

TIOBE Index for C#

5. Swift


Swift is a programming language mainly used on macOS, iOS and Linux devices. Swift is extremely desirable due to its unique features. Although learning this language may be time-consuming, the results of working with it are extremely satisfying and profitable. Swift has a clear and modern syntax, which makes it easier to create readable and effective code. With strong typing mechanisms, Swift helps developers avoid errors and ensures greater application stability.

Thanks to the dynamic development of the Swift ecosystem and support from Apple, the prospects for this language look really promising in the coming years.

6. JavaScript


JavaScript is considered one of the basic programming languages. It is used to create interactive websites, games and applications.   The development of frameworks such as React or Angular has made this language contribute to the construction of complex user interfaces. In 2024, JavaScript dropped significantly in our ranking. According to the TIOBE Index, it ranks sixth, overtaking Go.

TIOBE Index for JavaScript

When it comes to JavaScript, you can always count on the support of a strong community and a wide selection of ready-made libraries and frameworks that make working with this language easier. There is still a great demand for employing specialists with JavaScript skills due to its universality.

According to the data collected in our latest report, the salary of IT specialists working with JavaScript technology, depending on the level of experience, ranged from 6,207 PLN to 32,467 PLN.

2024 report Next Technology Professionals - JavaScript and the average salary offered

Do you want to know more data about salaries in the IT industry? Download our latest report or check out our article on the earnings of IT specialists.

7. Go


Go (also known as Golang) was developed by Google employees Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson in 2007 and is used to create web applications and APIs. The popularity of Go is constantly growing, which can be seen in the TIOBE Index chart.

TIOBE Index for Go

8. Kotlin


Kotlin, as part of the JVM family, has gained recognition among developers due to its conciseness, clarity and maintainability of code. Its compiler is reliable and intelligent, and the language is cross-platform compatible. Most of the applications developed by Google are based on Kotlin, so if you are planning to create applications for the Android platform, learning Kotlin is a bull’s eye!

9. SQL


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to manage databases. SQL allows you to perform complex operations on data, such as filtering, sorting, or joining. It is often used to generate reports from or analyze data.

10. Visual Basic

Visual Basic

Visual Basic is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It is easy to use and popular for creating desktop applications and user interfaces for Windows systems. Visual Basic can be used to create tools for automating tasks. It offers integration with other Microsoft products, which contributes to the creation of integrated solutions based on various technologies from this provider. Visual Basic is currently in seventh position in the TIOBE Index ranking.

TIOBE Index for Visual Basic

Hiring Software Developers in Poland

Are you wondering how to find the best programmers for your company or are you planning a new project, but you lack professionals? We will solve this for you 😃 As an IT recruitment and IT outsourcing company, we specialize in finding the best talents in the IT industry, throughout Poland and abroad. If you care about:

  • quick and specific cooperation,
  • finding the best candidate for a given position,
  • guarantee

our team will be happy to help you meet these expectations.

You can schedule your first free consultation with us or contact us directly at You can also fill out the contact form.

Next Technology Professionals - IT recruitment, IT outsourcing, hire the best IT specialists